Types of Diseases That Rodents Carry

Sep 7, 2021

People in the modern era have witnessed a plethora of diseases caused due to different animals from varying categories. While there are innumerable species of animals, so are the diseases spread by them. A majority of the homes in Melbourne have these welcomed guests called ‘rodents’ running from one corner to the other. With that, the health of the people living in the home is at equal risk. These rodents attack the food items usually and move upon the surfaces that people usually touch. Here arises the need for rodent control in Melbourne that will not only give peace of mind to the ones residing but also lower the health risk for them. 

Being the carriers of diseases, rodents are not good for your home. Without much ado, let’s shed some light on a few of the diseases that these rodents carry with them and why it is high time for you to bring these creatures under control. 

Rat Bite Fever 

There isn’t any rocket science behind understanding as to what this disease might be. As the name suggests, this disease is caused when an infected rodent bite a healthy person and transfers the bacteria to him or her. A rodent might go to any place and consume the bacteria for the infection in any form. Alternatively, it might have handled any infected rodent too. Because of this, the rodent becomes infected, and when this rodent bites you; you suffer from rat-bite fever. You may experience symptoms like rash, fever, headache, muscle pain, and vomiting as well. 


Another disease that might force you to look for the best pest control in Melbourne is the plague. Any flea that had consumed an infected animal or insect may spread the plague. If such a flea bite you, you will experience the symptoms of plague. One might have abscesses and large sores in the legs & the arms. Cats and dogs are highly prone to get infected by plague thereby spreading the same to the humans who play with them. So, it becomes imperative to go for rodent control to avoid getting infected from plague either directly or indirectly through your pets. 


Not many people are aware of the fact that the most common carriers of antivirus are rice rats or cotton rats. Any person affected by hantavirus may develop difficulty in breathing and might be debilitated. The most common pathway of acquiring hantavirus is when you inhale airborne particles from infected rodents. The urine, droppings, or carcasses of infected rodents transmit the infection easily. Many people often misinterpret the symptoms of hantavirus with that of flu. However, it turns out to be fatal when they experience breathlessness and don’t opt for the right treatment on time. To avoid these situations, one must go for rodent control in Melbourne


Another common disease is tularemia caused by Francisella Tularensis bacteria. The bacteria have several strains that differ in geographical range and virulence. A sudden outbreak of this disease suggests the presence of a large population of rodents in the geographical area. The bacteria gain entry into the body through the eyes, throat, skin, lungs, and mouth. This may be due to consumption of contaminated food, handling of infected meat, close contact with the infected pets, drinking contaminated water, or inhalation of contaminated dust. This is amongst the most infectious diseases but doesn’t spread from one human to the other directly. 


Apart from these, there are many other infectious diseases caused due to infected rodents that may sometimes prove fatal. With that, there arises an urgent need for rodent control to avoid life-threatening situations or eliminate possible health risks. 

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