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    Fleas Control

    Flea Control

    Fleas are small very specialized parasitic insects. Adults fleas are small 1.5mm- 4.0mm long and usually brownish, strongly sclerotised laterally compressed and equipped with piercing mouthparts. They have well developed hindlegs so they can jump and claw onto a host animal.

    The adult female will lay 4- 8 eggs after each blood meal. In her lifetime, she may lay about 300 eggs. Most eggs fall off the host and be distributed by the host animal. High concentration of flea eggs are often associated with animal sleeping quaterers. Eggs usually hatch in 2- 14 days and Larvae feed on available organic material, in the form of crumbs, human skin scales and other debris found in carpets, furniture, pets, bedding, cracks between floorboards, lawns, gardens and subfloors soil. Adult fleas often excrete dark granules and often left behind for larvae to feed on. The feeding period for flea larvae is usually 15 days.

    Fleas prefer the heat and humid conditions and is the main reason they are a pest in the summer months.This warmer weather assists the developement of larvae, which could be indooors and outdoors, where sandy soils (particularly if under cover from rain) are favoured. When climatic conditions are favourable, the developement of larvae outdoors can be widespread.

    At Bayswater pest control we offer a simplistic yet effective approach to help resolve your flea problem

    • We will offer a free quotation
      Treat the effected premises. Inside , subfloor, roof cavity and perimeter
    • Because the treatment does not penetrate the eggs , once they hatch the treatment process must be repeated usually within 14 days of initial treatment
    • Offer recommendations to help reduce further infestations

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