Pre-construction treatments
When you need to get rid off of the termites in the future, you need to concentrate on the termite’s treatments even before you start the construction. Treating the soil before you start the slab placement is the most common thing followed for a long time. This will create a chemical barrier between the ground slab and masonry to prevent these harmful insects from approaching the building. This treatment includes,
- Treating both sides of excavation with the chemical products prior to start with the foundation of work.
- Make some holes in the ground and apply some chemicals into it, so it will prevent this pest to enter into the slabs
- You can use the right chemical at the places where the walls and floors are intersecting
- You can also use some anti-termite chemicals to treat some portion of the buildings where there will be some wooden products like doors, cabinets and several others
Treatments to be considered after the construction
When it comes to the post-construction treatment, you should start with an assessment of the complete area. If there is any damage, you need to determine them. Locate the presence of termites, access points to the structure and the areas that the termites are found. Also, have the following tips in mind for the termite treatment.
- You can make some holes and fill them with the right chemicals
- Make some drills in the walls and fill the holes with the chemicals and this will prevent termite or spreading of it
- Apply appropriate chemicals at all the places that are in contact with the wood and ground
- If you feel that some wood products are highly affected by the presence of the termites beyond some limits, it is better to replace them before it gets completed affected. When one region is affected, the pest will move faster and damage the entire area
Some common safety tips
- Inspect your foundation and when there is a change in the season
- Grab the flashlight on some places especially at the woods
- Maintain good ventilation and sealing
- Keep the drains and gutters clean to avoid leakage. There should be no block lines or the broken pipes as the excess moisture will invite these pests
- If there are any wood piles, you can place them away from your house
- Trim the trees and shrubs at regular intervals because it will help in preventing the spreading of the pest further to the entire tree
- Use the right chemicals on the wood to prevent the impacts of these termites
- Heat is also a good element to kill the termites
- You can choose the treated wood when you are building a house in the garden area
- Try to follow the termite treatment and prevention Melbourne to eliminate the effects of these pests even at the initial stage
The bottom line
Following the above tips and treatments will help you to stay away from these termites. It is fine when you are getting rid of it. However, when you cannot do it, you need to seek help from the right termite inspection in Melbourne. They are professionals who will help you appropriately for the termite control with all the necessary aspects. So, you can be safe and termite-free in your home or the workplace.