What Is Effective Bird Control Solution For Bird Hazards In Melbourne

Jul 21, 2022

Some bird species pose a severe threat to your company as they seriously endanger people’s health, make a place noisy, and damage its structure. The sooner you take bird control measures, the better off your company will be against threats brought on by pest birds.

Pigeons, starlings, Indian Myna, and seagulls are some examples of pest birds. The risk of building damage and harm to human health will be eliminated by bird control because pest birds are known to carry fleas, ticks, and lice linked to the spread of disease. Bayswater Pest Control, the Best Pest Control Melbourne provides a wide variety of bird control options installed by our certified team of technicians.

Due to urbanization, the availability of food, and the persistence in building structures that provide havens for pest bird species, pest bird populations are growing throughout Eastern suburbs. Unwanted pest bird habitation causes significant harm to people’s health and safety as well as extensive property damage.

We develop a customized working budget and a “mitigation” or bird management plan because no two situations are identical. Our objective is to arrive at a long-lasting, cost-effective solution. Our Pest Control Melbourne Eastern Suburbs team provides top-notch professional advice for any installation, quotes, and training support.

Managing pest bird issues early on can save you thousands of dollars when you consider the potential and actual costs associated with bird issues. 

Following are some of the effective bird control solutions for bird hazards in Melbourne:

Bird Netting

Bird netting options offer long-lasting protection for exposed roofing, awnings, and other surfaces that pesky birds like to land on. Bird netting provides a quick, efficient, and covert way to eliminate pest bird issues in a particular area.

Our nets are made to exclude birds from the area completely. They seek to prevent birds from roosting and nesting in cracks, exposed roof areas, and roof spaces.

Every bird netting installation is distinct and tailored to the structure it will shield. Bayswater Pest Control bird netting is made of materials that can withstand the climate and comes with a 3–5 year guarantee. It is perfect for those seeking a quick fix and in most cases, same-day installation without interfering with business operations or customer service.

Bird Spikes

Stainless steel springs and wires are firmly fixed between stainless steel pillars to form this remarkably effective bird control system. Most exterior surfaces can be fitted with bird spikes to solve issues caused by birds landing on ledges and leaving dangerous, unsightly droppings.

Bayswater Pest Control bird spike solutions are discrete, effective, and hardly noticeable to keep your property, staff, and clients safe from pest birds. Additionally, it is best suited for structures where larger pest birds like pigeons or seagulls cause problems and is a wholly good strategy for bird control.

Bird Deterrent

Deterrents offer reassurance by offering your company a comprehensive and dependable bird control solution. A charger emits a harmless but audible pulse every two to three seconds down the track. This electrical pulse only lasts a few seconds, making birds realise that they should avoid going forward, but the birds are not hurt.

The bird deterrent is a dependable and long-lasting solution because it is made of established PVC and stainless steel. It is suitable for any shaped building and is a very discrete, almost invisible solution that blends into its facade.

The Final Words

We provide efficient and cost-effective Pest Control Melbourne Eastern Suburbs services at Bayswater Pest Control. We have various low-cost tools and methods at our disposal to prevent pest birds from causing problems around your commercial building or disrupting your business.

We typically use various techniques and an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy to ensure minimal impact on bird populations and the environment. If you require the Best Pest Control in Melbourne, get in touch with us.

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